Sexual Abuse Lawyers in Portland

Types of Sexual Abuse Claims:

  • Child/Teenage Abuse
  • Institutional Abuse
  • Gender Inclusive Abuse
  • Physical Abuse
We understand the devastating nature and emotional distress of unwanted sexual contact and the lasting impact it may have on a survivor. Sexual abuse is an incredibly widespread and destructive problem affecting people at all levels of society. It is devastating to its victims and can occur in almost any context — homes, schools, doctors’ offices, churches, institutions, and other settings as well. Anyone of either gender, adult or child, can be a victim of sexual abuse. Our sexual abuse lawyers take on every case with empathy ultimately putting your needs above ours. We will carefully listen to you and if desired, provide 100% confidentiality to ensure you can feel safe and at ease.

The Attorney You Choose Makes a Difference

The team at Pickett Dummigan Weingart understands how important it is for victims to get justice.  We are here to help support and guide you through the process. Our abuse attorneys not only seek justice for any actions that may have been committed against you, but we also strive to invoke change at the highest level, ensuring others don’t go through the same traumatic experiences.

Q&A with Deena D. Sajitharan, Sexual Abuse Attorney

Q: What is Sexual Assault?

A: Sexual assault is when a person intentionally sexually touches a child or sexually touches an adult without their consent.

Q: What are the forms of sexual abuse?

A: Sexual abuse has many forms and happens to both children and adults. It usually happens in private, although not always. Victims usually feel like their sexual abuse history cannot be proven because they will not be believed. They also wish to protect their privacy.

Q: Where is child abuse most likely to occur?

A: Although child abuse can and does happen anywhere, generally speaking, it occurs in private, and at the hands of trusted adults such as family members, coaches, priests, teachers, and youth leaders. The abuse of a child in a location and institution that was created for their protection is particularly detrimental to children and dangerous to society. Civil lawsuits are often geared to hold the institutions accountable that failed to protect children within their structures.

Q: What should a victim do?

A: A victim of sexual abuse should reach out to a sexual assault attorney who understands the intersection of both criminal and civil law. That attorney can explain their rights and guide them as they explore their options going forward.

Q: What is the time limit for filing a sexual abuse lawsuit in Oregon?

A: A victim can file a civil sexual abuse claim any time before they turn 40 years of age. Many of our clients file claims after their 40th birthday, but it is allowed by the statute only if certain conditions are met.

Q: What are my legal rights? Criminal rights vs civil rights?

A: Sexual abuse often implicates both civil and criminal law. As a crime victim, you have a right to an attorney throughout the criminal court process. Sometimes a crime victim’s attorney can be helpful. As a complainant in a civil case, your rights and obligations are different.

Q: Will my identity be kept confidential during a civil case?

A: Yes.

Helping People is Our Mission

As a group of community-minded, family-oriented Oregonians, we’re passionate about serving others inside and outside the courtroom. Our firm is highly active in our community, donating time, resources, education, and expertise to help others.

Strategic, Empathetic & Always Willing to Listen

It can feel intimidating to work with a lawyer when you’ve never needed one before. But, if you’re a victim of sexual abuse, it’s important to talk to an experienced attorney right away.

We understand the seriousness of your case and want you to be assured we will provide 100% confidentiality. Our empathetic team will listen to your situation, explain your rights, and guide you as you explore your options going forward.

Call us for a no cost case evaluation. If we decide to work together, we’ll take your case on a contingency-fee basis. You won’t be charged attorney fees unless we win your case.

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